
Hey everyone, just wanted to document a pretty cool moment for us which involved two interviews regarding our masterpiece, HOWIE!. When we posted the pilot on Reddit, we were pleasantly blown away by the reception. I’ve never gotten so many upvotes on a project or comments telling me to make more. The dopamine rush we got from reading people’s positive reactions to the thing we worked so many weeks on was extremely validating, so thanks to everyone who said they enjoy the show! However, the cherry on top was a user reaching out and asking us to be on their podcast which highlights independent filmmakers with various skillsets. Next thing we knew, we were sitting down for a Zoom interview with Andrew and Jasper of Dissolve Media to talk about our show on their Late Evening Podcast.

We basically just chatted with these two fun dudes about our process and answered all of their great questions. We wanted to say thanks to Dissolve Media for believing in us and helping us get our voices out there. If you want more interesting insight into the making of HOWIE! and/or our philosophies on creativity, please listen to the episode (linked above) and tell us what you think!



After that great experience, Mitch and I were hungry for more. We didn’t just want to be interviewed, we wanted to be at the total whim of a host who wasn’t afraid to make us look stupid because his wit and intellect was so many light-years ahead of our own. We wanted to talk to a guy who needed to look up more interview questions halfway through the interview because he was getting bored. So that’s why we invited ourselves onto the ever-hilarious and slightly uncomfortable Matt F Basler’s Podcast. This was more of a… “freeform” discussion with many interesting twists and turns. Matt really knew how to keep us on our toes with his comedic charm, and Mitch and I tried to hold on for the ride. He was so funny in fact, that we may or may not have recorded some voiceover lines with him to put directly into Episode 3 of HOWIE!!

And in all seriousness, we are extremely grateful that Matt took the time to have us on for a new type of episode since he usually talks to musicians. He even put together a very thoughtful altered version of his classic segment “One Star Reviews” for us. The simultaneous highlight and lowlight for me was when he told me I was animating Howie all wrong and that I should do it his better way instead, which we’re looking into.

Upon release, Matt enthusiastically promoted this episode to the point where we were getting called out for not doing enough. This led to some minor beef across Instagram and Facebook that was so juicy it would take its own blog post to recap. But Matt, we love you, and we hope this blog post suffices to show that we are proud of the episode we made together, and everyone in the world should hear it. It was nice meeting you for this chat, and since you’re also a St. Louis creator/animator, I think it’s safe to say we are now best friends.

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That’s it from us for now, we’re working on episodes 3, 4, and 5, and will be giving sneak peaks and progress updates on the WLDWLF Twitter. Go check out other content from Dissolve Media and Matt F Basler! Oh, and don’t forget we have 10 episodes of our own podcast right here on this website :)




HOWIE! Episode 2 Goes Live