The time is almost here for Episode 1 of 5 to see the light of day! We’ve worked tirelessly, hiking up mountains and plowing through snowy tundras to bring you this show. Mitch almost died 47 times…
WLDWLF has been busy over the summer quarantine, click to find out some of the awesome stuff we have in store, including a 5-EPISODE ANIMATED ORIGINAL SHOW!
Experimenting with the Sigma fp Camera 📷
A few months ago, I was fortunate enough to make some awesome connections with the camera manufacturer SIGMA, and they let me play around with their new mirrorless camera, the Sigma fp. As you’ll see below…
My Favorite Restaurant of All Time 🔥
You probably think you’ve had good chicken at some point in your life. Well, I’d be happy to prove you wrong if you ever come visit LA!…
FILM REVIEW: The Social Network (2010)
David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin’s one-two punch is the sort of decade-defining film that, 10 years later, can be delved into with so much analytical scrutiny that you could create a semester-long college course dedicated to its study…
Thanks for stopping by the new website! I hope you find some stuff you enjoy. I’m going to try to post a lot of fun, interesting, and experimental stuff on here…